Oil Field Accident Attorneys

Oil fields are dangerous places. Injuries happen from explosions, fires, blowouts, crushed limbs, and slip and falls. In addition, there has been an increase in highway accidents involving oil and gas workers.

Sadly, many oil field injuries are serious enough to be permanent or even fatal. In some years, more than 100 people die as a result of oil field accidents. Injuries are more common and are often very serious. More than half of workers who suffered an oil field accident injury missed more than 30 days of work. If you lost a loved one to an oil field accident, or if you aren’t working because of one, you aren’t alone. Our dedicated team of English and Spanish speaking attorneys has helped many people in your situation get compensation for their suffering.

Call us about your oil field accident today. (877) 917-5250

What to Know Before You File a Lawsuit

McIntyre Law Lawyers

Filing a lawsuit, let alone winning one, is a tough job for just one person. To win compensation from the oil companies for your injuries or those of a loved one, you will need to acquire accident reports and medical bills. You’ll also need to file legal papers, like petitions, summons, or complaints. McIntyre Law’s team of experienced, strategic attorneys can help you with that process.

Are there currently any class-action oil field accident lawsuits?

McIntyre Law does not work on class-action oil field accident lawsuits, but we can refer you to firms that do. We work on individual oil field accident cases, using our years of expertise to guide the case so the victim can get fair compensation.

The workers’ compensation courts are not always the last and best place to file claims for oil and gas field injuries. McIntyre Law’s attorneys know this; they don’t end their investigation there.

Often, third parties or employers engage in gross negligence that leads to hazardous working conditions that cause these oil field accidents. For example, we represented a family of a worker who was killed because a hose clamp was missing, which caused a pipe to spin and strike the worker in the head.

Sometimes, too, we’ve had cases where a worker was injured or killed because a coworker was under the influence of drugs or alcohol while operating heavy equipment. Sadly, these oil field injuries were preventable, and the deaths didn’t need to happen. If you’ve lost a loved one in an oil field accident, call us. We’ll pursue every available means to have you receive compensation.

oil rig explosion in Oklahoma

Even though you may be in a different part of the country, we’ll treat your case as if you are just next door. Any time you want to talk to our founder, Noble McIntyre, you can pick up the phone and call him.

If you or a family member is aware of an oil or gas company that you believe has engaged in improper accounting of your royalties, or is not upholding its contractual obligation to royalty owners or working interest owners, please contact us. We will connect you with professionals who can help you reach satisfaction.

We've done this before.

McIntyre Law knows how the oil companies and equipment manufacturers operate, and we will level the playing field during your fight for fair compensation.

Contact Us

The Statute of Limitations for an Oil Field Injury Lawsuit

The statute of limitations for an oil field lawsuit varies from state to state. There’s no reason to wait to file your suit—the sooner you do, the sooner you’ll get the compensation you deserve.

What is a contingency fee?

When a lawyer works on a “contingency fee” basis, they’re agreeing to accept a fixed percentage of any monetary rewards from your lawsuit to cover their legal fees. If there are no rewards from your oil field accident case, you don’t pay the lawyer. We get paid if, and only if, you do.

What compensation can I get from an oil field accident lawsuit?

When oil companies or equipment manufacturers are required to pay compensation, the courts require that the amount include all of the impacts of the accident.

Types of compensation you could receive include:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost work time
  • Future living expenses

Working with McIntyre Law

At McIntyre Law, we believe that victims of oil field accidents deserve compensation for the pain they’ve suffered during the accident and in the future. But, more than that, we know that by holding oil companies and equipment manufacturers responsible for their negligence, lawsuits like yours make all oil field workers a little bit safer. If you need to discuss your case in Spanish, our team includes Spanish-speaking attorneys and professionals who are ready to learn more about your case in the way that is most comfortable for you.

oil field injury lawyer

Do you have a case for an oil field accident lawsuit?

The tricky thing about filing an oil field accident lawsuit is that you can’t sue the company you work for an oil field injury case. However, you can file a lawsuit for negligence of other companies that work on the oil field, malfunctioning parts and their manufacturers, other workers that might be under the influence and cause an accident, or fatigued oil truck drivers.

Call us, and we’ll help you understand what your options are. The call is free, and since we only get compensated if you do, we won’t waste your time involving you in a case you can’t win. Once we take your case, we’ll fight tirelessly to make sure you get the compensation you deserve.

Meet Our Oil Field Injury Attorneys

When you work with McIntyre Law, you’re getting an experienced team of law professionals who want to make sure you’re equally represented in your oil field accident lawsuit.

Noble McIntyre
Noble McIntyre
Senior Partner
Monica Schweighart
Monica Schweighart
Junior Partner

How Dangerous are Oil Rigs?

All of the chemicals, heavy equipment, and activity at an oil field site make it a dangerous place. Accidents include burns, electrocution, broken backs or necks, head injuries, loss of limbs, exposure to toxic chemicals or gases, slip-and-fall injuries, and even fatalities.

The act of drilling oil itself has dramatic effects on the environment. One oil extraction process is extremely dangerous: hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, where underground rocks are blasted with high-pressure streams of water to force oil to the surface. This process contaminates groundwater and has been associated with an increase in earthquakes near fracking sites.

Oil and Gas Industry Resources

Oil field workers deserve a safe work environment. These resources describe some of the hazards of oil fields and tips for avoiding them.

Oil & Gas Industry Job Safety Analysis Process
Occupational Safety and Health Administration: Explains the job steps, safety hazards, and recommended safety procedures for common oil field tasks.

Public Safety and Oil and Gas Storage Facilities
U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board: Describes serious accidents at oil and gas storage facilities and how they might be prevented.

Oil Site Safety
U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board: Accident descriptions, videos, and news about oil site accidents and hazards.