Personal Injury Lawsuits

Call us to start your personal injury lawsuit today: (877) 917-5250

Types of Personal Injury Cases

A personal injury can happen to anyone at any time — that’s because it includes a range of events that could be caused by a person, an object, even a dog. The McIntyre Law team is made up of skilled, experienced personal injury lawyers who represent clients every day in personal injury claims. If you’re suffering through no fault of your own, you deserve compensation too.

McIntyre Law is a compassionate and capable law firm that’s on your side. We believe communication with you helps us achieve the best outcomes for your case. That’s why we spend time getting to know you and your specific needs. At McIntyre Law, you’re part of the team, which is why we operate on a contingency fee basis. We don’t get paid until you do.

Air ambulance illustration

Air Ambulance

Air ambulance lawsuits are filed when patients are overcharged for medevac helicopter transportation to the emergency room.

Air ambulance lawsuits ›

Illustration of a bad faith insurance claim

Bad Faith Insurance

Insurance companies sometimes refuse to appropriately compensate their policyholders after a property loss or personal injury.

Bad faith insurance lawsuits ›

Illustration of a stethoscope

Burn Injury Lawsuits

Burn injuries sustained in a vehicle or work accident can be devastating, often resulting in disfigurement, nerve damage, or the inability to work.

Burn injury lawsuits ›

Catastrophic injuries - wheelchair

Catastrophic Injuries

Catastrophic injuries can leave you unable to work and with a lifetime of needs, including rehabilitation or assisted living care.

Catastrophic injuries ›

Catastrophic injuries - wheelchair

Spinal Cord Injuries

If your spinal cord was injured after an accident, you could face a lifetime of serious, costly health problems like severe pain and paralysis.

Spinal injury lawsuits ›

Nursing home abuse - wheelchair

Nursing Home Abuse

All too often, nursing home personnel neglect to meet a patients’ needs, fail to provide appropriate care, or outright harm patients.

Nursing home abuse lawsuits ›

Wage theft - scale illustration

Wage Theft

It’s okay to speak out. You deserve to get the overtime pay you worked for. It’s wage theft when an employer denies an employee wages owed.

Unpaid-overtime claim lawsuits›

Illustration of a stethoscope

Wrongful Death

If you’ve lost a loved one because of someone else’s negligence, you could be compensated for funeral expenses, income loss, and more.

Wrongful death lawsuits ›

Types of Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

Birth injuries - stethoscope

Birth Injuries

Medical negligence by doctors, nurses or hospitals may result in severe injuries to you baby during birth, requiring ongoing care.

Birth injury lawsuits ›

Brain injuries - stethoscope

Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries sustained from an accident or negligence of others can lead to costly treatment, including surgery, rehab, and ongoing care.

Brain injury lawsuits ›

Failure to diagnose - stethoscope

Failure to Diagnose

These lawsuits are filed when people’s conditions are misdiagnosed, or not diagnosed at all,
by physicians or medical professionals.

Failure-to-diagnose lawsuits ›

Types of Premises Liability Lawsuits

Animal (dog) bites - stethoscope

Animal (Dog) Bites

Injuries sustained from an animal attack, such as a dog mauling, can lead to high medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Dog attack lawsuits ›

Slips and falls - wheelchair

Slips and Falls

If you slip and fall, sustaining injuries, because the floor was improperly maintained and unsafe, you could be entitled to compensation.

Slip-and-fall lawsuits ›

Swimming accidents - stethoscope

Swimming Accidents

Unsafe and poorly maintained swimming pools can lead to hospitalization and death. Victims need to protect their legal rights.

Swimming pool liability lawsuits ›

What to Know Before You File a Lawsuit

Start your personal injury case as soon as possible. Your personal injury lawyer will prepare a case as if it is going to trial, but often, cases are settled before they reach that point. Your lawyer will engage in negotiations with the opposing counsel to attempt to reach settlement. That’s the best option, because if a case goes to jury you may not see any compensation for years.

An experienced personal injury lawyer will help you gather all the important records you’ll need, like medical records, police reports, or other information. They’ll file the correct legal papers on time. From negotiating a settlement to filing complicated legal papers—McIntyre Law will be with you every step of the way. This isn’t a path you need to walk down alone, especially when you’re already dealing with the trauma and suffering caused by your injury.

What is a contingency fee?

When a lawyer works on a “contingency fee” basis, they’re agreeing to accept a fixed percentage of any monetary rewards from your lawsuit to cover their legal fees. If there are no rewards from your drug liability case, you don’t pay the lawyer. We get paid if, and only if, you do.

The Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury Lawsuits

A personal injury lawsuit can be filed in a court that has jurisdiction over the case. That could be the district court where the injury occurred, or it could be the court where either you or the other party lives. Although the requirement is that a lawsuit must be filed within two years from when the injury occurred, the exception to this is that it could also be within two years of when the injury is discovered. These laws vary from state to state, so the best thing to do is to contact an attorney as soon as you think you might be eligible for compensation.

Meet Our Personal Injury Attorneys

Call our experienced legal team and start your personal injury lawsuit today.

Noble McIntyre
Noble McIntyre
Senior Partner
Monica Schweighart
Monica Schweighart
Junior Partner

Working with McIntyre Law

At McIntyre Law, we believe in giving personal injury victims the best chance to get the compensation they deserve. A lawsuit is your chance to seek justice and fairness. You should have an experienced lawyer by your side.

Do you have a case for a personal injury lawsuit?

If you’ve suffered an injury due to someone’s negligence, you may be eligible for a personal injury lawsuit. But, the opposing party in a personal injury lawsuit can try to intimidate you. They may try to discourage you from filing a lawsuit. Don’t let them. Everyone has the right to file a lawsuit and have their case heard.

Professional legal assistance could change your life. It’s worth the short phone call to see if you have a case. Our experienced lawyers will be on your team, working to get what you deserve. Because we only get paid when you do, we’re all pushing toward the same goal.

What compensation can I get from a personal injury lawsuit?

Courts recognize that injured parties deserve compensation for both economic and non-economic loss. An economic loss would be anything that costs you money, like past or future estimated lost wages or medical bills. A non-economic loss is physical or emotional pain and suffering. Possible compensation can include:

  • Cash awards
  • Medical bills
  • Emotional Suffering
  • Lost wages
  • Disability accommodation
  • Damages to property