McIntyre Law and Canadian law firm Napoli Shkolnik Celebrate US Supreme Court Victory Protecting Claims Against Sackler Family

Published on July 1, 2024

OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA – McIntyre Law and Napoli Shkolnik obtained a significant legal victory in the US Supreme Court, which upheld the rights of Canadian municipalities and First Nations to pursue claims against the Sackler family for their role in the opioid crisis.

The Supreme Court’s ruling in Harrington v. Purdue Pharma decisively rejected the Sackler Family’s attempt to use Purdue Pharma’s bankruptcy proceedings to shield themselves from opioid-related claims. The Court affirmed that the Bankruptcy Code does not authorize the release and injunction of claims against non-debtors, such as the Sacklers, without the consent of the affected claimants. The decision marks a critical step in holding the Sacklers accountable and ensuring justice for the many communities affected by opioid addiction and abuse.

McIntyre Law Canadian Opioids US Supreme Court victory.

Noble McIntyre and McIntyre Law helped choreograph the cross-border response to the bankruptcy plan on behalf of Canadians impacted by the unlawful release of claims against the Sackler family and added that:

“This is a tremendous victory for justice and accountability. The Supreme Court’s decision ensures that the Sacklers cannot escape responsibility for the devastating impact of the opioid crisis on our communities. Canadian municipalities and First Nations can now pursue their rightful claims and seek the justice they deserve. We are proud to have stood by our clients in this fight and will continue to advocate vigorously on their behalf.”

Casey Churko, the partner at Napoli Shkolnik Canada who spearheaded the appeal on behalf of the Canadian municipalities and First Nations, expressed his satisfaction with the Court’s decision:

“On behalf of the Canadian municipalities and First Nations who have fought for years for the chance to have the Supreme Court hear our case, we are gratified to see the Court uphold the integrity of the bankruptcy system and to prove that the ends do not always justify the means. We are also grateful that we now have an opportunity to hold the Sacklers accountable for creating the opioid crisis, which has ravaged Canada, the U.S., and the entire world.”