Press Release: McIntyre Law’s 4th Annual Day of Kindness
Published on November 12, 2013Hunger is no laughing matter, and the attorneys at McIntyre Law are taking it seriously. This November, the Lawyers Fighting Hunger are back for the fourth annual McIntyre Law Day of Kindness. With over $80,000 donated from the community, they’re donating over 7,500 turkeys to sites in Oklahoma City, Norman, Tulsa, El Reno and Mustang. McIntyre has taken the reigns for this event yet again to help families in need; turkeys will be distributed as follows:
November 20th: Oklahoma City; 11 a.m. registration, 12-3 p.m. distribution; offices of McIntyre Law
November 21st: Norman; 11 a.m. registration, 12-3 p.m. distribution; David Bernstein
November 25th: Tulsa, 5:30pm-7pm p.m. distribution; Iron Gate Ministries parking lot at 620 S.Cincinnati
November 22th: El Reno; 11 a.m. registration, 12-4 p.m. distribution; El Reno Fire Department
November 25th Mustang, OK. Distribution 11am – 1pm. Mustang Fire Department
In the words of one woman who’s planning on receiving a turkey, “Thank you, McIntyre Law. I sometimes dread the holidays, knowing that I can’t give my family a hearty meal. However, your generosity helps families like us to get through the hard times; because of the turkeys you provide to families in need, we can really celebrate this Thanksgiving.”
As one of the founders of Lawyers Against Hunger, McIntyre Law has devoted itself to helping Okahoma’s hungry. The Regional Food Bank estimates that 675,000 Oklahomans don’t know from where their next meal is coming. Lawyers Against Hunger was formed as a nonprofit corporation whose mission is to feed the hungry. Though lawyers are spearheading this effort, lots of businesses are eager to donate, and they’ve already sent money to help with the cost of purchasing turkeys.
“For us, it’s about more than just handing out turkeys,” says Noble McIntyre. “It’s about our community, and our community is its people. When we see people coming out for this event, knowing that they will be going home with food that will fill their stomachs and their hearts – well, that’s what it’s all about. Hunger is a big problem in Oklahoma; whatever we can do to take away even a small bit of that pain for families in need is worth every penny.”
Like last year, there will be four distribution sites so that turkeys can be given to as many hungry Oklahomans as possible. Registration and distribution for Oklahoma County will be at the offices of McIntyre Law, 8601 South Western Avenue, Oklahoma City, on November 20th. Registration starts at 11 a.m., and distribution will be from 12 p.m.-3 p.m. There will be free soda, water and hamburgers.
In Canadian County, turkey distribution is being coordinated by Denton Law Firm and The Handley Law Center and will take place at the El Reno Fire Department at 2707 Faith Avenue in El Reno. In Cleveland County, registration and distribution will be at the offices of David Bernstein at 104 West Gray. Finally, in Tulsa, distribution will be at the Iron Gate Ministries parking lot at 6th and Cincinnati.
To donate, please send a check payable to Lawyers Against Hunger, Inc. to Noble McIntyre at 8601 South Western Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73139.
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